框架-抗震墙结构 Frame-shear wall structure
框架-非连续抗震墙结构 frame-wall structure
底框-抗震墙结构 sublayer-shear structure
底部框架抗震墙 bottom frame-seismic structural wall houses
底部框架-抗震墙 brick masonry building with frame-wall at the bottom
底部框架—抗震墙 frame earthquake resisting wall
底部框架-抗震墙房屋 building with fame-wall structure at bottom floors; bottom frame-aseismic wall building; multi-story masonry building with frame-shear walls on first or first and second floors
底部框架抗震墙砖房 brick masonry building with frame - shear wall structure at first two stories; brick masonry building with frame- shear wall structure at first two stories
底部两层框架—抗震墙 the first and second story frame-antiseismic wall
底部三层框架-抗震墙砖房 masonry building with two stories frame and shear
底层框架抗震墙 frame-shear wall at first floor
底层框架-抗震墙 bottom-layer frame aseismic structure
框架-抗震墙 frame-shear wall; frame-seismic wall
框架-抗震墙体 framed seismic wall
填充墙框架结构 infilled wall frame structure; masonry-infilled frame structures; RC frame with infill walls; infilled-frame structure
新型滑移隔震框架结构 a new kind of sliding base isolation frame structu
异形柱框架-抗震墙 frame-shearwall with special-shaped columns; frame-shear wall with special-shaped columns
RC框架结构 RC frame; RC frame construction; RC frames; RC frame structure
不规则框架结构 anomalous frame
超长钢筋混凝土框架结构 over-long reinforced concrete frame structure